Hi! I’m Cecilia. I’m an Argentine English teacher who has been working in education for 20 years now.

My first job was at an English Institute where I taugh kids of different ages. I learnt a lot about creating resources as I did not have a co-teacher to plan with!

Two years later, I started at a school teaching at elementary level. I had from Y1 to Y6 during 11 years. I loved working with other teachers, planning together and sharing ideas!

After having my second child, I decided I needed a change. I wanted to try with older kids. I started working at high school level. It’s been 7 years and I think I’ve found my niche! I love teaching adolescents and planning different and new activities for them. I’ve realized that I enjoy creating resources to use with my pupils! You can check them out here!

I hope you enjoy my blog! I’m willing to keep learning and sharing with you all!